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Introducing AAM at Bahrain International Airport

Airport Audience Metrix (AAM) is the innovative data solution that measures airport audiences and campaign performances. AAM is here to provide granular data and insights about airport advertising audiences enriching the campaigns efficiency.

AAM sets 4 KPIs to measure airport advertising campaigns:

VIEWED IMPRESSIONSTotal number of times the ad is viewed by the passengers
REACHShare of passengers exposed to the campaign, out of the total number of passengers
UNIQUE PASSENGERSTotal number of passengers exposed to the campaign at least once
FREQUENCYThe average number of times an individual passenger sees the ad

What is it and how does it work?

Airport Audience Metrix is a data tool developed by the JCDecaux Data Division to align the airport advertising industry with international metrics standards. AAM has been created and tested to effectively calculate airport audiences through algorithms which take into account the passenger traffic per terminal and per day, dwell time, the different passenger journeys and many other media-related features. All these factors together ensure accurate and granular data about individual campaigns.


Benefits of measuring airport audience

Switch to audience and data-driven media planning
Launch international campaigns seamlessly
Provide the impression data needed for performance estimates

AAM is already a global standard

In the years to come, AAM will be deployed in every JCDecaux unit around the world, to deliver standard KPIs and facilitate the measurement of international advertising campaigns. This tool is currently active in 40 JCDecaux's airports worldwide and will be gradually adopted by all those countries counting on JCDecaux's presence.